Senin, 15 Juli 2013

Confused Edition

when i look someone and i interested from the fist time i looked. i always say to my self that he will be mine. and i don't know why i got a feeling like that to odonk. so when he looks somebody else, i got a jealous.

but i know that i like someone else, someone who is not odonk. but i don't want him lost from my hand, althought he is not in my hand. it is so selfish right.

im so greedy, when i want odonk and androgen, i have a close relation (but just frends) with odonk close friend (java and santri), and i know that androgen knows about this people, because one of them (java) is on same organisation with androgen. the semi-autonomous institution (sai) which i liked most.

the most thing i like from them is their(androgen, odonk, java) ability on player football, like the one who i never forget until now. but he is nothing from me right now, thought he always be a greatest man in my life. but he is not a man in my life right now, he just still in my mind and always be there.

remember the past make me get a melankolist side of me. and i look so mushy, i don't like look like that. so weak, i don't like it. i love my image when i look like mysterious girl, unpredictable, and nobody know how is the real me. make me have manything for my self. but, who know how the real me? i tink i don't know too, haha.

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