Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

Open My Assumption

he (odonk) write in his account on social media that he wanted to say love into someone who i don't know. i know that is not for me, because i and him not in spesifict relation which show me a thing like that way.

i like somebody else (androgen) , but i don't want he walk a way into me. i want he beside me until im sure that androgen will not walk on a same way with me.

im not a nice girl right? i feel so bad when i said like that. want someone still beside me when im thinking about somebody else. im bad girl rigth?

im still do something like this since i was on junior high school until now. im not doing the righ thing yet. but i have decided that i will accept nobody before im sure that i will walk in same way with androgen, but im still accept everybody (boys and girls exactly) to be my good friends. good friends and more, hahah.. that wich make me look bad right?

my close friend (stonehead) said that she looks that im a bad girl when i do that. got a good boy to be my close friends, did and said a nice thing, and she said im very very look bad when i did a frontal thing in front of boys. she said i knew that the boys liked me, but i always looked like a give many "empty box" for their, uuh so bad rigth.

when i will be a good girl? i will be a good girl in front of my husband latter right, haha. but, don't judge me bad ah, i got it from my familly (???). i think every member in my familly ever do something like me, but some part like me? i don't know, who know everything in their life just their self and Alloh, im not always know the real thing, just assumption. a popular girl or boy in her life, many assumption can come from their.

every part which make me confused have i open in here right now. just open and learn, open and learn, learn learn learn. 
stop . . . . . . .stop . . . .
time to study something else..

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